Top 5 circular economy books to read in 2022
The end of the year is approaching, and with it the time when we set new goals and habits to improve our lives. And what better goal than to want to live a more sustainable life in balance with the environment?

To achieve this, it is necessary to understand a key concept: the circular economy, which understands that natural resources are not infinite and seeks to reduce production, prevent pollution and reuse waste.
Below you will find 5 books on circular economy that you can read in 2022. All are available in Spanish, available at your local bookstore and packed with valuable knowledge that will help you better understand the circular economy and how to promote it from the comfort of your home, even if the economy sounds complicated to you.
1. The Circular Economy: A user's guide

The modern world has been shaped by the Linear Economy, where "Take-Produce-Use-Throw" is the rule, so it is difficult to imagine a different world. However, a sustainable society is possible, but to build it it is necessary to aim for the Circular Economy, which is precisely what the book explains.
This is one of the most important books on circular economy in recent years and it is vital to understand the key concepts and aspects related to sustainability.
for being one of the pioneers in defining the circular economy.
It doesn't matter if you know absolutely nothing about economics or sustainability, after reading this book you will feel like an expert on the subject.
2. Circular-spiral economy. Transition to a closed economic metabolism.

This book is the result of the collaboration of several leading authors in the field of sustainability.
sustainability, from the first chapter concisely explains the catastrophic consequences of the linear economic model and how to transform the system in a fair way through the circular-spiral economy.
The book is innovative and in the first chapters it immerses you in brilliant and current ideas, since beyond proposing the efficient use of resources and "super recycling", new proposals are put forward to create a "Spiral Economy" where the cycles of materials are closed many times (and not just once); taking into account the premise that natural resources are finite and that not all materials can be recycled due to thermodynamic and economic limits.
In the rest of the text you will find a European and national perspective on the management of governments towards sustainability, new economic indicators to consider and good practices of the circular economy that bring us closer to dematerialization, de-energization and decarbonization.
3. What would you do to save the planet?

This is one of the best books on circular economy that you can read, it comes from an essay written by journalist Isabel Jiménez, who has used her journalistic rigor to capture in 200 pages solutions to reduce plastic consumption through the circular economy. After reading it, you will better understand the commitment we all must make to build an economic model where more is done with fewer resources.
Although all the knowledge comes from environmental experts such as Juan Verde (Obama's advisor and specialist in sustainable economy), its language is quite simple and close, so anyone who reads the book will understand it perfectly and will feel hopeful to change the future.
4. Circular economy: fundamentals and applications
It is one of the most recent books on circular economy (it was published this year) and it is perfect to understand how to put into practice all the theory involved in the paradigm of this new economic model. In addition, it will help you understand the different schools of thought in the field of sustainability that helped lay the roots of the circular economy.
Although it is one of the most expensive books on this list, its price is really worth it, because after reading its 200 pages, you will feel that its author, José Luis Gallego, has imbued you with all the knowledge about the various applications of the economic system that can save the world.
5. Circulating towards a new economy: Companies on a fixed course towards the circular economy

If you are in the business world, this book will become one of your favorites. Through its pages, the authors unravel the opportunities that environmental sustainability offers for business development, reminding you to stop externalizing the environmental costs of economic activity and start gaining efficiency and competitiveness through reduction opportunities.
Thanks to examples of large companies and modest businesses, you will discover a new way of developing business activity, where respect for the environment is one of the main assets to be taken into account.
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