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Cultures Learning to Cooperate

​America, Europe and Africa.  Diverse geographies, particular cultures and different ways of seeing life and sustainability intersect to find common points and teachings that transcend borders. In this talk we explore with our guests strategies and projects that highlight the importance of diversity in the struggle for a more sustainable world.


Cooperation has no Scale

Through experiences between neighbours, communities and projects of different natures, we will understand how collaboration manifests itself in the very roots of our communities, from local cooperatives to success stories that demonstrate how synergy can transcend pre-established boundaries.

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Generations Cooperating for the Good of the Planet

A 12 year old girl, a young university student, a young professional and a 45 year old woman share their views on the climate crisis and how they approach sustainability from their age. We will learn valuable lessons between young and old and explore intergenerational projects such as "Adopt a grandparent".


Plastic Collection with Repot Market

Collection of plastics in the Collserola mountain with Repot Market, with a previous explanation by Way To Zero Waste (Former name of  Way To Sustainable Impact) aimed to raise awareness and educate on what we are collecting and the importance of the action and a sustainable vermouth provided by Repot at the end of the event.

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Barcelona, España

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