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Way To Zero Waste
May 1, 20244 min read
Coltan: The Bloody Reality Behind Modern Technology
The Democratic Republic of the Congo, holds 80% of the world's reserves of an essential resource for contemporary technology: coltan

Way To Zero Waste
Nov 29, 20233 min read
The New Colonialism: The Complex Landscape of Global Influences in Africa
In the last decade, Africa has been the scene of a global competition for strategic resources

Mireia MartÃnez
Mar 22, 20233 min read
El Salvador under the management of Bukele: controversies and criticism of his policies
Organized crime groups have a devastating social and environmental impact. In El Salvador the most vulnerable communities have been affected

Mireia MartÃnez
Nov 24, 20224 min read
The World Cup of shame
El Mundial 2022 pasará a la historia por ser el mundial de la polémica, una celebración rodeada de polémica por vulnerar derechos humanos.

Mireia MartÃnez
Nov 9, 20222 min read
Activism in museums, does it ridicule or help in the fight against climate change?
We would love for climate change to end just by dirtying a Van Gogh painting, but it's not that simple.

Mireia MartÃnez
Nov 2, 20223 min read
Racism and xenophobia in migration: explaining discrimination
We live in a racist and xenophobic world in which there are first-class refugees and second-class refugees.

Mireia MartÃnez
Oct 12, 20222 min read
The environmental impact of October 12 and the story behind it
October 12 will be celebrated again in Spain, with a parade in which more than 4,000 troops.

TÃ nia SentÃs
Jul 17, 20222 min read
Can veganism save the world?
The arguments in favour of veganism have grown in recent years, especially among those who advocate the movement as a way to protect...

MarÃa Vera
Oct 5, 20214 min read
Is it possible to reuse plastic in the medical sector?
Is it possible to reuse all plastic for use in healthcare? What progress has been made in this regard?

MarÃa Belén
Sep 16, 20213 min read
Space tourism: between technological progress and accelerating climate change
While Bezos describes the experience as "the best day of his life," the rest of the population wonders at what cost it was obtained?

MarÃa Belén
May 24, 20215 min read
Greenwashing - everything you need to know
Today in Way To Zero Waste we have come to talk about the well-known greenwashing.

Miquel Martos Doroteo
Mar 24, 20217 min read
In this article I will try to answer this question from my point of view and from my experiences. It is not necessary to answer it as quickl

MarÃa Belén
Mar 16, 20213 min read
Between Joe Biden's climate plan and the Green New Deal
Welcome back to Way To Zero Waste. In today's post we come to talk about the measures taken by the president of the United States Joe Biden

MarÃa Belén
Mar 11, 20213 min read
Tesla, the environment and Bitcoin.
Tesla is a company that focuses on the design, manufacture, sale of electric cars, renewable energy, and its components: domestic batteries.

MarÃa Vera
Feb 11, 20213 min read
Are today's electric cars so good for the environment?
Hoy en Way To Zero Waste ponemos sobre la mesa un tema muy interesante y que vale la pena analizar de manera objetiva.

Jariam Rumbos
Jan 19, 20213 min read
Wild fish or fish farms? Which is better for the environment?
Poco sabemos sobre el origen del pescado que consumimos. ¿Sabes si ese pescado fresco que disfrutas tanto, proviene de la pesca salvaje o de
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