The importance of body diversity in today's society
Updated: Nov 23, 2022
Today's society has designated a body type as the perfect ideal to which all women
should aspire, but what happens when that ideal is realistically unattainable?

We live in a society that constantly tells people with larger bodies that they don't deserve
basic love and respect because of their weight. Many deny that fatphobia, but the reality is
that it is a systematic discrimination.
Fatphobia is a system of oppression that promotes hatred of fat people and fuels hatred of
corpulence. Society has, for decades, glorified thinness and idealized seemingly famished,
while large bodies have been considered shameful, disgusting, and unattractive.
However, the plus size community is learning to take its place in society. They have needed
time, patience, and trust to fight back, to make their voices heard, and to oppose society's
standards and opinions about body proportions that are understood to be healthy. This is
why body diversity is important, especially in the media, as it can be a great start to building
a community that contributes to showcasing greater diversity and can be a huge confidence
booster. The plus-size people who, for years, have hated their bodies.
Incorporating Body
Diversity recognizes the many possible ways to have a body and understands that no one
way is better than another. This is crucial in helping women break free from the
overwhelming pressure that comes from feeling that their bodies are somehow not good
enough as they are, just because they don't fit acceptable in the media.
There are many ways to practice body diversity to build a positive body image, no matter the
size or shape of a body, such as prioritizing mental and not just physical wellness, breaking
down stigmas through love for all bodies, and celebrate the diversity of bodies that make us
unique. These points are addressed by the body positivity, which fights for the visibility of
bodies that have been marginalized.
What role does the body positivity?
The body positivity movement is a social movement created to empower fat women that
seeks acceptance of all bodies, normalizing the older ones but also welcoming the smaller
ones. This rebellion, which boldly called attention to fatphobia in the medical industry, was fuelled
in large part by an exceptional organization of feminist and queer.
Many positive aspects of fair fashion brands supporting and promoting body positivity are
due to the work of political activists fighting against the oppression of marginalized groups.
Since then, many have rightly mentioned that the movement has lost some of its radical nature and today often misses the target to continue the fight. Instead of simply focusing on fat versus
thin, the movement must include people of all shapes, sizes, genders, colours, and abilities.