Top tips for a sustainable home
The change in the construction sector is increasingly tangible, with architects and builders opting for increasingly sustainable systems and materials. This is accompanied by a change in society, which is increasingly aware of the lack of actions that benefit the planet.

It is true that the union of the sector and the construction industry only takes place when there is a construction project involved. Fortunately, there are more and more sustainable and healthy construction projects that benefit both its inhabitants and the planet.
Even if you do not have in mind to build your sustainable home project, here are some tips that can be of great help. The planet will notice and you will also see how your pocket benefits.
When shopping and cooking
Everyday activities such as shopping can become actions that advocate sustainability.
We recommend that you make a list of what you are going to buy and really stick to what you need. Another important point is to bring your own reusable bags or cardboard boxes, so you do not consume plastic bags.
Always opt for local consumption and organic products and avoid plastic packaging, better if you can buy products in bulk. These are some of the tips that can help your home to be a little more sustainable.
To improve sustainability in your home we recommend that you make changes both when cooking and when storing leftovers. If you are a cook, go for the pressure cooker to save energy, time and money. If you prefer to use the oven instead, don't open it repeatedly, it will lose heat, lower the cooking temperature and take longer to prepare your dish. Finally, if you have leftovers, don't throw them away! Store it in glass containers.
Daily actions that will allow you to save
The red light on electrical devices, also known as standby mode, consumes energy without you realizing it. We recommend that you turn it off, as well as unplug chargers for cell phones, computers and others if you are not using them.
Making a responsible and conscious consumption of heating and air conditioning appliances is key to make this change. In addition to its high consumption and cost, you can compensate by taking advantage of solar heat and also create air currents to ventilate and cool your home in summer.
If you have children, you will probably repeat this a few times during the day. Turning off the lights in the rooms where we are not is another point to take into account. It avoids consuming energy and money that nobody is using. And related to this, we encourage you to use LED and energy-saving light bulbs to complete this circle.
Other actions you can take on a daily basis that help to lead a more sustainable lifestyle are, for example: fully load both the washing machine and the dishwasher; or recycle consciously, separate well and reduce the amount of plastic.
Invest in a more sustainable home
If you can afford the following actions, carry them out because you will notice an important change in the comfort of your home and also in the reduction of consumption.
One of the first points we suggest is to opt for low consumption appliances, look for those with the A+++ or A++ label. Believe it or not, the water heater or air conditioner consumes without being on. This is why we recommend that you install electricity regulators, which allow you to program these devices to turn on according to your schedule of use.
Si reformas tu hogar, que sea de forma sostenible
Finally, if you are thinking of renovating your home, bet on a reform that makes it sustainable. Work hand in hand with a professional who will advise you and help you throughout the process. Our colleagues at Ecovip are experts in architecture and sustainable construction, they will be happy to listen to you.
One of the most important steps of the reforms and that bring us more comfort and benefit is to install a good thermal and acoustic insulation. The temperature will not escape and no noise from outside will not enter. This will allow you to rest better.
Another important point to achieve the airtightness of your house is to install double glazed windows with air chamber. It will improve the energy efficiency of your house and will provide acoustic comfort.
For a complete airtightness, you must waterproof the house to avoid possible water leaks or humidity.
In addition, you can accompany all these actions with the installation of solar panels, which will allow you to have energy independence from the electricity grid. In this way you will generate electricity in a sustainable and clean way.
These are some of the tips you can follow to lead a more sustainable lifestyle and have a cleaner and healthier home. Make a commitment to change, start with small actions and gradually add actions with a greater impact.